Policy|Institutional Reform

I am Miaoling Ng, a lawyer with 4+ years of policy experience. I formerly advocate for institutional reforms. Due to my experience, I was invited to speak at Malaysian Press such as Astro AEC, Astro Awani, the AIBD x UNICEF panel, and other conferences. My articles were also featured 32 times in regional and Malaysian Media outlets. See more of my ideas below! 
  •  11/11/2022 10:30 PM

【选吧!马来西亚】全国大选即将来临,各个政党为选战所作的策略也一一呈现在选民面前,为的就是能够赢得选民手中那张决定性的一票。 现今是网络发达的年代,而网络平台也是传达消息的快速通道,社交媒体平台的优势也被政治人物发掘并将其利用成为选战的强大“利器”。其次,各政党也善用社交媒体来建立自己的势力,更甚者也成为了抖音平台网红人物,获许多支持者拥戴。

  •  10/11/2022 10:30 PM
  • Online Event

Join the discussion between Ng Miao Ling, Former Media Strengthening Officer at Centre for Independent Journalism (CIJ) with host, Ibrahim Sani to talk about decoding political rhetoric & information manipulation tactics.

  •  29/10/2022 10:30 PM
  • Online Event

With parties expected to ramp up their campaigns on social media, how crucial is it for youth to be media literate? Media policy activist Ng Miao Ling and ISIS Malaysia’s Harris Zainul discuss navigating the sea of disinformation online.

  •  27/10/2022 03:47 PM
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“Tentera siber” semakin menjadi-jadi apabila tiba musim pilihanraya? | Fokus Pagi Bersama Izwan Azir & Muaz

  •  21/01/2022 09:30 AM
  • Online Event

Conference | Organised by Xiamen University and the United International College| I examined examples of media manipulation by politicians to further their interests and the recommended media reforms. I also discussed the ways biased media and disinformation contributed to the Sheraton coup in 2020, and waht are the proposed policies, media and social media reforms that should be in place.

  •  07/01/2022 08:00 PM
  • Online Event

Interview| As the fourth estate of democracy, the media and journalists have the fundamental responsibility to hold the State, especially government officials, accountable for their actions. The expected action by MACC and the State would have been to investigate the allegations in the report and not the reporter. 对吹哨者发律师信 反贪一哥不保护反恐吓? | 八点最热报 07/01/2022 反贪污与朋党主义中心(C4)和大马独立新闻中心(CIJ)认为,反贪会作为一个最应该保护吹哨者,以鼓励知情人士提供情报的执法机构,现在反贪会一哥阿占巴基却做了最不良的示范提告吹哨者,这无疑形成一种威胁、恐吓的打压手段,会给民间制造一种白色恐怖的氛围。

  •  24/12/2021 08:00 PM
  • Online Event

Interview | What is the role of MCMC? How should people respond to MCMC's requests to Twitter for the removal of posts critical to the government? 八点最热报 | 过去几天水灾新闻抢占各大社交媒体,不过有人投诉,在推特上有关网民批评政府救灾不力的推文这几天却被通讯及多媒体委员会MCMC盯上。结果部分网民却陆续收到来自推特的电邮通知,指MCMC要求删除他的一些帖文,但却被推特拒绝。

  •  24/12/2021 05:00 PM
  • Online Event

Produced by: Alia Zefri | Presented by: Lee Chwi Lynn | Interviewee: Ng Miao Ling | MCMC were unsuccessful in their attempt to remove Twitter posts and hashtags that were critical of the government’s handling of the floods. The reported attempt by Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC)’s attempt of removing Twitter posts that were critical of the government's alleged mishandling of the floods situation, especially in most parts of the Klang Valley, Dengkil and Hulu Langat should be strongly condemned.

  •  09/12/2021 09:00 AM
  • Online Event

We see concerning trends that media/ social media are manipulated to focus on racial issues to further politicians' interests rather than issues that bring about the betterment of the country. For example, the focus on the Timah issue rather than Budget 2022. Media/ Social Media is no longer watchdogs, but rather 'runningdogs' for some politicians. What should be done to reform our media and social media? Watch the Presentation Video attached below!

  •  02/11/2021 08:00 PM
  • Online Event

I was the organiser for the event. In conjunction with the International Day to End Impunity for Crimes Against Journalists 2021, this event aimed to raise awareness of the contributions of journalists in keeping the powers in check and the need to tackle disinformation. This event feature the Founder of award winning media Malaysiakini, Premesh Chandran and Founder of Sarawak Report, Clare Rewcastle Brown - the main whistleblower of the 1MDB scandal

  •  21/10/2021 08:30 PM
  • Online Event

In light of the unethical reporting we observed in media which is highly likely to lead to copycat suicides, what is the role of media/ social media? What is the role of social media in light of a 19 year old girl who took her life hours after 69% of her network responded die to her Instagram poll that asked whether should she live/ die? Watch the presentation video attached below!

  •  08/10/2021 04:00 PM
  • Online Event

There is a worldwide erosion of democracy, fueled by social media disinformation campaigns, increasingly in the South East Asia Regions. This event discussed the struggle and the importance of independent journalism in SEA in light of the challenges. Also, Maria Ressa was announced as a Nobel Peace Prize laureate during the panel session! Watch this momentous occasion in the attached video below.

  •  23/09/2018 02:00 PM
  • Online Event

There are worrying trends of problematic media reporting on children which may put them at risk in exchange of more public's attention, what's next for representation of children in Malaysian Media? How would the Malaysian Media Council help to alleviate the situation? Watch the attached video to know more!